Thursday, April 15, 2010


I've got to say, moving hasn't been at all great for me. I always think about my life, and how much I loved it. I may have been a child, and many people tell me this, "You were little, and naive. You didn't know what was right for yourself."

I don't believe them, period. 2 years is not a long time. And I'm pretty much sure that what I felt 2 years ago, could never really change my love, my safety, when I was home.

To have an opinion it great! It truly is! But I've grown tired of people telling me what a crappy place Alaska is, everyone's depressed! no one cares! it's dirty! the people are mean!

When I think of a mean person, I don't think of an Alaskan. They are some of the nicest people in my opinion. They will wave at you when you drive by, or talk to you when you are both walking.

"Howzit going?"

"Fine, and yourself?"

"Pretty good."

In Boise, I'm lucky if I even get a wave, or, for that matter, eye contact. I'm lucky that the check out person will say, "Have a nice day!" or anything along those lines.

My family tells me that it's good here, and that we are treated right. At 13 years old, I can see that they are full of crap, and they know it. For Christ's sakes! My brother's friend were/are mad at him because he moved back up there; they didn't get it that he is happy. People don't like it that I tell them I'm not staying here after high school, which I get, but really, if it makes me happy, why would you care? Isn't a friendship about how you want the other person to be happy, and that distance doesn't matter?

Even the worst part that makes me hate it here? My friends by home, they really don't care how far I am. I still talk to most of my friends, and they still remember me; I love it. It makes me smile when I see someone I know on facebook, and that little pop goes off, and, normally, their first two lines are, "Sara! I've missed you!"

Even after a few years away, they still remember me. And it makes me happy. I just simply want to go home, and be with them, and go back to my normal life, with my friends, and going to the lake, and make utter fools out of myself. Going ice skating, and falling down, only to be helped up by a complete stranger, because only moments ago, they fell down, and someone helped them up; a chain reaction.

I don't know, these are some of my opinions, and I wanted to share them with you.

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