Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I love Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature,

I'm pretty sure that you stalk me, because everyday that I need to run, you decide that it's time for it to rain. I love you dearly, and if we can keep this going until next year, I'll hug every single tree I see.


In another note, I GOT MY PLANE TICKET!!!!!

This makes me very excited. I go to Alaska on June 14 at 6:10. I get there at 10:43 at night. My brother is picking me up, and then we are driving an hour to Wasilla. How fun will that be? I'm trying to see if I can stay up all that night on the plane. I really truly hope that my insomnia kicks up that day. Then I wouldn't need to sleep, cause normally, I stay up till 4o or so.

Now that I think about it, I'll be way too excited to sleep.

I didn't get into yearbook, which I'm pretty mad about. She picked some of thee most uncreative people that applied. It shouldn't be about how great you're grades are, but whether or not that they can do the job right. She doesn't want the yearbook to look like crap.

I don't know, today was okay. Did okay in gym, which I thought was good. I hit my last good ball right when he told us to go inside. I was mad! I don't think I will be able to hit it again like that tomorrow. Grr you, stupid time.

Hopefully tomorrow is good. I want it to be nice.

28 more days of school; 34 days till I leave for home